We would like you to meet the newest member of our family, This is Logan Ray.
He was born at 5pm on the dot today the 29th. He is the smallest of my babys only 8lbs 4oz and 21.5in. This is 2oz less then robby and 2lbs 15oz less then davis. We are all doing well I want to take the time to write his birth story while it is so freash.
We got to the Hospital at 545am. We were taken to our room and began to get comfey. at about 7ish my Pitosin was started and my water broke. The dr told me he wanted me to be a 4 before we did our epidural. Well that didnt take long I was there by 9! (I had been a one when we showed up.) So they come in to start my Epidural but the guy could not get it going, I was so scared I was cryin and could hardly breath. Poor Russ looked like he was a bigger mess then me. After about 30min of trying they called in a dr to do it and he had a diff nurse come help him. She was just what I needed, She held my hand and talked me though it all. After just a few min they got it in But it was in a vain so they had to redo it. But he got it after that. As they were finishing up all of us in the room were makin jokes about the 1st guy. Including him. I needed that after the whole almost an hour to place my epidural thing. so then they start my meds. By this time My MIL and SIL were here. My blood pressure started droping so they gave me some meds to bring it up. so then I set around and played on the internet and just talked Till about noonish when i managed to rest a lil bit. at about 1 I got up and was hurtin My epidral ran out and I had what they call a hot spot in my back. It is just a small place that is not numb becuz the baby most likely had a hand in the way. So they gave me some extra meds in my epidural and got me a new bag, Well the extra meds made my Bp drop really really low (85/27) and I got so sick I was throwin up. Something Ive never done in labor. So the nurse gave me the meds to bring my BP up again and I was much better. Well after 2 the big boys came to see us. My poor robby was not feelin well. He had a feaver so sadly we had to send him home. But not till after I got some good cuddles. Well then the dr came in and checked me and I was still a between a 4 and 5. So he told me that if I was not ready to go by 4 it would be a c-section for me. Well I was freaked out Im scared of a c-section. I was prayin that i would be ready to go and cryin to. Well guess what 4 came and went and I still was not doin anything, so they went ahead and but me on the list for a c-section. They had 2 ppl before me so they said it would be 5 or 530 before I got to go. By this time I was just prayin for peace. At 4:45 the nurse came to check me one last time before I went into the OR and guess what, In that time period of less then 45min I had gone all the way to a 10!!!! I was not feelin the need to push but the wanted me to try. so they got the room all ready. By this time the only ppl here were me russ and shanna. Shanna did not wanna be on the room so she left. I push though 2 contractions and he was here. It was so easy. I was calm and talkin though it all. I was so surprised at how lil he was. He was so handsome. hearin his 1st cry was amazing. When they got me all fixed up and gave him to me I was amazed. He is a 50 50 combo of russ and me. We can not tell yet what his eyes are gonna be. Im kinda wanting blue or green. Then I thought of this episode of a baby story I saw a while back where to momma talked about how her family always smells there new babys breath and I could not help but do it. I was the sweetest lil smell. It smelled like iced tea. also He has dark hair, He is the only one of the boys boprn with it. He is so sweet. I then let his aunt shanna have a turn loving her new nephew while I ate. Let me tell you what that was some good stuff. I could not belive it was hospital food. It was some kind of beef and gravey over rice with green beans salad a roll and nana pudding. I scarfed all of it but half the puddin down so fast. Then Laura was here. She got Logan the cutest gifts. A super soft blaket with a duck and his name monagramed on it, an awsome ed hardy onesie and a bib that says future rook player lol. I let her love on him a few then I fed him. He was so fast to latch on and he stayed that way for 15-20 mins then he burped was kissed a lil more then took the other side. This was a 1st for me i strugled so much with the 1st 2. He was a champ I hope he keeps it up I would love to skip formula. So then russ' dad came by just to see him for a min then went to stay with the big boys. MY sis and brother then showed up. then my momma and daddy. Then Russ' mom. WE all just loved on each other and logan. It has been an amzing day. Im so sad that robby is sick I know he has been lookin forward to meeting his new baby brother. I can not wait for that meeting. Please pray for him that he will be well nuff friday to come see us. With that said im gonna go becuz Ive only got 15min to eat and drink till im cut off. I can not eat or drink any thing till after my tubal tom at 1130. Please be praying for me Im a lil nervus about being cut on. They are gonna try to use my epidural from today if they can other wise they will use genral anasteisa the thought of being put under really scares me so pray my epidural is still good and works. We would love visiters so please feel free to come see us.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Hello world
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
In 48 hours
I will have a new son or will be very close to it. They are inducing me at 6am thursday morning. Russ and I are dvery excited. Im so ready to "download" this baby as my daddy would put it. so i go to the dr in the morning one last time. Then russ and I have a ton of last min things to do before we head to the hospital. I plan on having my laptop and upd8ing though out the day.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
An Amazing Night of Worship
Thats what tonight was. Anyone who knows me knows I love worship. If I could sing you best belive Id be on the wprship team, also if you know me you know I love Hillsong. Well guess what tonight Hillsong came to our church to lead wprship for us. This was just awsome. Russ knows I love them and we had planed to try and catch them the next time they were any where within 150miles. Well guess what no road trip. last week they called paster rick and said they had a free night and asked if they could come to NLC. Of course who can say no when its Hillsong. So tonight Russ, elaine and I loaded up in the van and went to see them all of 10mins away lol. Apey was gonna go with but she got called in to work :(. It ended up being gr8 I spent the whole 2 1/2 hours on my feet singin as loud as I could. I bounced, clapped and hooted and hollared all i could. I was worshipin my awsome God with all i had. Everyone kept thinkin I was gonna worship myself right into labor lol. It has been so long since i was so lost in my own lil world of worship that deep. It was just what I needed to left me outta this lil pit I had fallen into.
Monday, October 12, 2009
what happened 2 that blu eyed baby
Today I find myself completely amazied by they big boy my Robbyroo has be come. Just a lil over 3 years ago I held this tiney lil 8lb 6oz blu eyed baby boy. Who melted and stole my heart the moment I saw him. From that moment on everything I did I did to make his life better, to give him all i could. He has had so much control over m,e since his 1st breath. I remember the way I cried when they gave him is 1st shots. The excitment when he rolled over. The pride the 1st time he looked at me and said MOMMA. The fear as he started walkin. Now he is a lil boy. He is not a baby any more, this is so hard to belive. I sit back now and watch as he does things on his own. Lately he has doesthings that make me so happy but cry at the same timebecuz I know hes growin up. Like prayin. Its next to impossible not to cry when your lil boy sits down for a snack folds his lil hands bows his sweet lil head and thanks God for his apple, or when you get him the costume he really wanted and on the way home from the store you hear from the back seat"God is gr8 God is good let us thank Him for our Scooby Doo". Its just the sweetest the way he follows is lil brotehr around and helps him and makes shur he stays outta trouble. The way when his bubba falls down he is there helpin him up and kissin his lil forehead b4 even i can get there. He has become such and encourageing and uplifting lil boy. He is always sayin things like "mommu you are gr8 at this game" or "daddy your a good driver" "Bubba you build good with the blocks" its just amazing how fast they go from that lil baby you held in the hospital to there own lil person. Im so proud of the way my rooster is turnin out so far. THo I know we still have alot of work in front of us to help shape him into a gr8 man.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
did i read that right
22 days left till our due date, Holy cow where did the time go. Im starting to get so excited about labor and delivery. You might find this crazy but I just love L&D. I even enjoy the "action part"(aka pushin) There is nothing more amazing then bringin a new life into the world. I wounder what hes gonna look like. How big will he be. I cant wait to hold him and rock him and teach him. And to see the boy he grows into and then see the man he becomes. Im ready so ready