Wednesday, November 25, 2009

my tree is up

so manday we got our tree up. I have choosen to use blue and silver for our tree and I think Its awsome I could not get just the right pic so here are the 3 not so perfect ones.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

please pray

Im a nervus wreak. Today I was standin in sams waitin for my daddy who was in the back to meet me up front for pizza when my phone rang. I looked at it and to my surprise I see its the boys docter. I pick it up and its our nurse. She tells me that one of Logans newborn screens has come back abnormal. This is the last thing I wanted to hear since all the things they test for are a bog deal. I can not help it I start cryin standing there alone in sams. My dad comes up to find me a sobbing mess. So this afternoon we took him to have his blood taken and to let them colect some pee. We wont know anything for up to 2 weeks. They think he may have galactosemia a very rare (occurs in about one in 50,000 - 60,000 births)genetic metabolic disorder. It can kill a child if it goes untreated and even with treatmentthere continues to be a high incidence of long-term complications involving speech and language, fine and gross motor skill delays and specific learning disabilities. Im not dealing with this possibility as well as russ and would really love any prayer we can get right now. Im prayin this test comes back normal.

Friday, November 20, 2009

our new fav song.

So the other day we heard this song on K love and it is now a fav of the whole fam. Robby wants to hear it every 2 mins and asked me if it could be his night night music. When davis is just bein crazy it calms him down. It also puts logan right to sleep. Me i just love it. so i wanted to share it

Thursday, November 19, 2009

the boys 1st pic together

this is the 1st pic of all our boys together, thw big boys are makin shur the baby is okay

Monday, November 16, 2009

Im pretty shur this is just for me now.

I had given alot of thought to closin the blog since i seem to have lost all my readers but then I thought about it and decided Id keep it just for me and maybe one day ppl will read it again.

Monday, November 9, 2009

oh boys

Well its been a week since i updated. Last week was really crazy. Tue we found out Russ had gotten the flu. So he was not able to help me with the baby at all untill they cleared him friday. We finely got outta that er after 7 hours. the swellin was nothing but we found out my insicion was becoming infected so I was given an antibiotic. i spent the week tryin my hardest to stay away from the hubby and take care of logan, But he did not sleep well so I was outta it. Then friday we went back to the dr logans billi levels were droppin and he had gained 3oz in 3 days. We were were very happy. We will go back at the end of the week to see if he has gaotten back up to birth wieght. I also got my staples out friday. They told me n break down so no bending,sweeping, mopping vaccuming. And not to use my tummy mussles. So its been really hard I keep forgetting and come the afternoon i regreat it. Im very very sore. The big boys are finely home, im finding it hard to take care of all 3 of them at once. I have managed to avoid a break down so far. Ill have help soon so its okay. I gotta go feed the big ones now.

Monday, November 2, 2009

sittin in the ER

SO Im sittin here in the E.R. as I type this. Dont worry the baby is okay. His billirubin levels were high but we just have to have him checked again in the morning, This time its me. After we got home from his dr apt I looked down and realized that in less then 5min my legs had gone from normal to swollen 3times there normal size. I freaked out and called my dr and my MIL who called the dr she works with, WHat i got told was it sounds like a blood clot and i needed to get to the E.R and have and Ultra sound done asap. so here I am we have been here since 5:45 and its now 9:10 thats almost 3.5 hours. In that time its gotten worse and I can no longer feel my feet. Im missin logan really bad ITs to early for me to have left him. And im disapointed becuz tonight he is having to have formula becuz my milk just came in and I have not had time to pump anything. But its ok he had lost more and was adown to 7lbs 9oz today and maybe some formula will help him put a a few oz on. All i know is if there is any left that stiff aint comin home with me. I dont want it in the house becuz Ill be tempted to cheat i just know it may be Ill get seeb soon Ill upd8 as soon as i no whats up

monday upd8

Well Im finey getting a chance to update. Its been a gr8 few days for us. I had my OP friday morning, At the last min I decided to have them put me to sleep. I was outta it for a couple hours. Then my mom and russells took robby to the dr. It turns out he has swine flu. So russ and I have not been allowed to see our boys since they came to the hospital thursday. So we came home sat morning. we have pretty much camped out on our new couch. we have had some visiters and i have really enjoyed it. Logan is doing good. I have been exclusivly breastfeeding Logan. This is a big deal for me. Ive always tried breast feedin but by the 2nd night im so annoyed that ive broken out bottels and formula. Not this this time.Im proud to say that as of today logan is4 days old and I have not even opened my bottels let alone gotten formula. I realize breastfeeding is so much easier when you know what you are doing. Im really enjoying it this time vs h8in it and only doin it becuz i no its better 4 my kids. I find myself looking forward to the next feeding. Its amazing holding my tiney lil baby close feeling the warmths of his skin againstmy own and looking into each others eyes. Im prayin that I can keep thisup. Logan seems to have his days andnights backwards. But we are working on that. He has his 1st dr apt today. His one week was gonna be his 1st but then we noticed his eyes were startin to yellow. so. Ive been in alot of pain and have to take my meds every 4 hours and they make me so I i pass out/fall asleep randomlh that beciuz ivebeen doin that its taken me over an hour to write this lol. I think Ill leave yall with a couple new pix. Then I need to get ready to take my lil man to the dr.