i saw her yesterday at her work i chickened out of talkin to her. maybe one day
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
my church
is so awsome i love the way more times then not the message is one i need at that exact time.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Thank you God
for such an amazing friend as clinton. One who from the other side of the world knows when i need him and manages to get ahold of me. Thank you so much for the connection we share.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
MY ups and downs
Okay so here are a list of things makin me down...
1. Clinton is in iraq
2. I'm not so good at handeling 2
3. Elain aint talked to me in over a year
4. Money is always so tight
5.I have hardly any friends any more
6. the couple I do have i nvr get to see
7.I suck at makin new ones
8. Im always stuck in the house
9. MY milk supply has droped and i dont think i'll be able 2 keep breatfeedin davis long
10. robby is almost 2
11.My mother cuts me down and makes me feel like a bad wife
what cheers me up
1. clinton comes home in oct for mid tour
2.i have the best hubby,
3.janet and i plan 2 spend at least an hour together a week
4.my boys are both healthy
Thursday, August 7, 2008
oh yeah pix of the baby
Me ready to push
Russ tellin me I can do this Here he is all 11lbs 3oz
Mommy mets baby
LIfe with 2
I've been havin alot of trouble dealin with my new life. Havin two lil boys in diapers is hard. There is always cryin and screamin, mine included. Not to mention Robby has deff hit the terrible twos. I'm runnin on next to no sleep, and hardly have time 2 eat. I know I'll get the hang of this one day.
So my 20th birthday is sat and I'm so not lookin forward to it. I have not been big on birthdays since i was like 13. I did not want to make a deal out of this but Russell does so I'm lettin him throw me a lil party/BBQ.
Okay so I'm thinkin about goin back to school next year for one of two things Nursing or my dream workin on my fire sci degree. Yeah I'm a loser but i still want to be a paid ff. well g2g kids cry love yall