Sunday, August 17, 2008

MY ups and downs

Okay so here are a list of things makin me down...
1. Clinton is in iraq
2. I'm not so good at handeling 2
3. Elain aint talked to me in over a year
4. Money is always so tight
5.I have hardly any friends any more
6. the couple I do have i nvr get to see
7.I suck at makin new ones
8. Im always stuck in the house
9. MY milk supply has droped and i dont think i'll be able 2 keep breatfeedin davis long
10. robby is almost 2
11.My mother cuts me down and makes me feel like a bad wife

what cheers me up
1. clinton comes home in oct for mid tour
2.i have the best hubby,
3.janet and i plan 2 spend at least an hour together a week boys are both healthy

0 HUgs: