Saturday, January 31, 2009

We have a visual on #2

Yep Davis is gettin his 2nd tooth. He has also learned to sit up on his own. He is to cute, the other morning I heard him "talkin" in his room so I went in to see what he was doing and he was sittin up and playin with his toys. He also just loves his brother. If Robby walks in a room he gets all excited and starts tryin to crawl to him. I love seeing that my boys are such good friends already.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tagged again

I just did this one on facebook so i'll try not to use to many of the same things

Rule: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. If you weren't tagged, please do this anyway.

1.) If I dont have my pillow mist I dont sleep well

2.) Running water makes me have to wash my hands.

3.) I hold my breath going over bridges, state lines, and going by graveyards.Also I pick up my feet when I go over traintracks. IDK why I do these things I just always have and can not stop.

4.) I love broccli I eat a plate of it for lunch almost everyday.

5.) I have always been both a good and fast reader.

6.) I belive that to this day if i push the wrong buttons my daddy will spank me rear lol

7.) I want to be a 1 or 2nd grade teacher

8.) I tend to over cook chicken out of fear of under cooking it

9.) I bake when I am in a very bad mood.

10.) I hate showers but love baths

11.) I love walking barefoot in the snow

12.) I belive you can not have more true friends then fingers

13.) I have a hard time beliving ppl when they promise

14.) I read really well but spell really bad

15.) I would rather read the book before I watch the movie

16.) I suck at putting on make-up and fixing hair But love it to all be done up pretty

17.) I love to read in the bathtub and in bed before I go to sleep

18.) I really love to have jam sessions to Britney Spears, Nsync, Backstreet Boys, 98 degrees, Christina Agulera...but can not do it these days without tearin up

19.) I am a Christian and wish that I was a better one.

20.) I am a generally messy unorganized person buut am working on that

21.) I can eat fruit all day long and there are not many types of fruit I dont like

22.) I am a list person. You will find them all over my house and car

23.) I would prefer to eat ham on any major holiday over turkey

24.)I have an older sister I have not seen or talked to since I was like 4

25.) I have a new found love for shoes.

ok so now I tag all of you becuz I know I dont have 25ppl who read my blog. comment me so I can go read ur 25

Monday, January 26, 2009

Tagg Im it

Open your pictures and select the 6th picture in your 6th folder. Tell us the story behind that picture.

Lol this is my friend Julia. It was taken Oct of my sr year. I was staying the night with her and we had our face mask on at like 1am and her step dad came in and told us we needed to start gettin ready for bed she was not very happy and i snapped a pic of her reaction. lol

I tag

1 Hannah
2 Linda
3 Julie
4 jill
5 jen
6 jade

one of them days

I hate it. It has been one of them days when everything goes wrong. I can not stand it I have spent half the day cryin my eyes out becuz of every lil thing and I have a feeling Im not done yet. I think I might just go to bed now.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

1 day when we have money

I am so gonna get these are they not to cute. Who knows maybe I'll get them b4 they stop selling them. but probly not.

Friday, January 23, 2009

So change of plans

My brother had something come up and he is not here so no worryin about him. But I did finely clean the whole house spotless today except my comp desk. Its nice but now my feet kill me from being on them all day and my back hurts from moving every bit of furniture we own and cleaning under it. But its nice to be in a clean house. My hubby made me the best thank you dinner. Steak shells and cheese and cheesecake. He is the best. I think now we are gonna go lay in bed and watch a movie. I'm gonna try and get a back and foot rub. Maybe he will give in lol

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Test drive

This weekend I will take parenting a teen for a test drive. My lovely lil brother will be staying here or at least sleeping here. There is a lil gurl down the road he has liked for some time and he wants to go to the sk8ing rink to see her. I think part of why he wants to stay here is becuz he thinks his cool big sis will let him run wild all hours of the night. Boy does he got that one wrong. We are in Sherwood and the cops do not play when it comes to curfew. This kid also has alot of tricks up his sleve ill have to deal with but I think I can handel that since they were all my tricks 1st, I really doubt he has come up with anything I did not try. So wish me luck.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

ok so

Ok so I'm being sued, Yes you heard me. I am so not happy the evil woman who gave birth to me stole my idenity and got a few credit cards and stuff and now capital one is trying to sue me over it. It makes me so mad. I am 20 years old the last thing I should have is bad credit. I'm really trying to take it all with grace and have already started trying to be forgiving for it, but when ever I make a lil head way in that some thing comes up to just totaly piss me off. Who steals there childs idenity really. Speaking of children, Ive been reading Kellys blog for a couple weeks thanks 2 a missclick and her story is just makeing me cry. I have also tho found myself thanking God for my healthy boys and uneventfull pregnecy and labors. Please pray for her and her lil family. You can find details here.

Friday, January 16, 2009

date night Yay

So tonight Russell and I are goin to have a date night. No babys just him and me dinner and a movie. Super excited. We are goin to go the Chillis most likely becuz I want some of there Yummy soup and to see bride wars. I think that movie looks so funny. I'm such a loser I have decided to get all spifeied up, and with two kids it takes about all day. I've always been one of them gurls that when she got dressed up she went all out. The night Russell and I went out on our first date I spent 3 1/2 hours getting ready. I was so nervous I went though like 100 outfits and with each new one I had to redo my hair and make up sad I know. The funny part was I ended up wearing the 1st outfit I had tried on lol.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

hey thats my adatude

So there is no doubt that Robby is so my son. Today I was changing a diaper and told him "From now on you go poopy in the big boy potty" and my hard headed son looked me dead in the eye and says "No I will not" I said "excuse me" He sits up looks at me and says "NO I WILL NOT". It took all I had not to LOL or pop his lil rear. I'm now 100% shur that he will be a handfull. Already Im goin to say this... Sorry mom and dad for being so hard headed. lol.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Well I am feeling alot better my fever finely broke around midnight, and I was able to get some sleep. But now I have to catch up on cleaning the house becuz I did not do anything yesterday. Tho I did manage to make Broccoli cheese soup. I tried this recipe for the 1st time it is so easy and yummy. Russell ate half the pot and this is one of his least fav soups.

1 (8 ounce) package of softened cream cheese,
1 lb. of velveta, cubed
1 (10 ounce) package of frozen chopped broccoli
1/4 c. of chopped red onion
1 tbsp. of butter
2 1/2 c. of milk

First you need to melt butter in pan over medium flame.
Add onions and saute until onions are yellow.
Next add your milk and cream cheese, stirring until cheese is melted.
Finally, add velveta and broccoli. Once this melts and the soup is heated through, serve!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

very very sick

My fever is now 102.6. I feel like im on fire. I guess its better then the 105 i had earlier. I am trying not to get near the boys, and if i have 2 im putting on a mask and sanitizing up to my elbows. What ever this is i dont want to give it to my babies. Please pray that I get better fast my boys need there mommy healthy.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Davis is getting his. I decided to let him try a lil salad dressing off my finger and boy was that a bad ideal lol. Much to my surprise he bit me and it hurt. He has a front bottom tooth coming though. He are very excited. Also did i mention that he can now crawl. He can only go backwards but hey its a start. He can also sit up. Its been a big week for him. Let me list a few new things.

He can now share dippers with his big brother. Yes he is in a size 4(22lbs-37lbs).
He can crawl backwards.
He can roll to his bottel pick it up and drink it.
If let sleep without pants he will take his diaper off
can stand on his own for 30secs
is getting teeth
he is no longer in an infent carrier(dont worry hannah he is still rear facing lol)
He sits in a high chair when at a restaurant and in the buggie at the store.

hewill be 6 months in like a week and a half. It is so hard to belive. They grow up so fast. Russell and I love watching our babies grow up but it just blows our mind. It seems to both of us like it was only a few weeks ago Robby was learing to crawl and now he runs and jumps, speaks full sentances, and tells me I'm a goofball (thanks for that daddy).


I love the way God always seems to step in and remind me he is in control when I start to worry about certin things. It has happened 3 times this weekend alone.

Friday, January 9, 2009

hmmm i suck at titles

Lets see i spent all day cleaning. Then russell and i went and ate sushi. I love that stuff. lol. Russ works in the morning so he had to get to bed early. it kind of stinks i mean he gets off at 6 and most days he is in bed at 8 so our weekend are all we really get. 10 hours of being around him is not much and so much of that is spent taking care of the boys. I know he is picking up every other sat so i can have me money but i would prefer those days with him over me money any day.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

soundtrack to my life

My friend did this and I think it sounds fun. You make a soundtrack for you life going though and giving a song to each part like one for your birth one for the 1st couple years and the older you get the better it gets becuz u can find songs that you remember from that time or talk about what you were dealin with. I am still workin on mine Ill share when Im done

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Im pretty excited our 1st anniversary is coming up. We have made our plans to stay here its where we stayed when we got married. Im so glad it was open. We will also be having an hour long massages yay i can not wait im so excited to have our weekend away

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

diet Bluhh

So im really tryin but diets have always been hard for me and honestly Ive never really needed them. If i wanted to lose a few lbs i just had to up my work out time. The whole diet thing is hard when russell is tryin to feed me large amounts of fatty foods. I think im doing good. I have not broke it yet.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy new year

Wow so 2008 is done. I can not belive it. Last year was the best of my whole life. I can not possibly name all the gr8 things that happend but just a few are, I marreid the man of my dreams, I had another healty baby boy, I knocked out all my big goals but one. We had a gr8 new years eve. We started by goin by Oak Grove fire dept, there were cookin out and doing fireworks. It was Gr8 i miss all of them. They are all like family to me, I am so blessed to have them in my life. Then we went to nate and megans house, and stayed up till 5 playin the wii let me tell u this i so want one. So a few of my goals for this year are.
1) GED
2) Go back to school
3) lose 100lbs yea i said one hundred this is what i have to lose to be where i should be for my hight and build.
4) finish reading my Bible though for the 1st time (if you have a read the bible in a year thing can you print it aff for me lol.)
5) Be more thankfull
6) whine less