Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy new year

Wow so 2008 is done. I can not belive it. Last year was the best of my whole life. I can not possibly name all the gr8 things that happend but just a few are, I marreid the man of my dreams, I had another healty baby boy, I knocked out all my big goals but one. We had a gr8 new years eve. We started by goin by Oak Grove fire dept, there were cookin out and doing fireworks. It was Gr8 i miss all of them. They are all like family to me, I am so blessed to have them in my life. Then we went to nate and megans house, and stayed up till 5 playin the wii let me tell u this i so want one. So a few of my goals for this year are.
1) GED
2) Go back to school
3) lose 100lbs yea i said one hundred this is what i have to lose to be where i should be for my hight and build.
4) finish reading my Bible though for the 1st time (if you have a read the bible in a year thing can you print it aff for me lol.)
5) Be more thankfull
6) whine less

3 HUgs:

Jill said...

Happy New Year, girl!

Praying blessings on the Smiley Family in 2009!


p.s. sent you an email with a header that I made...take a look. :)

Elaina Weaver said...

I love the new look! I hope that you have a great 09!! See you Sunday.

Jill said...

This background looks awesome with it...good pick!!
