Tuesday, March 10, 2009

MY poor lil heart

is broken. The 10 mins I got to see my baby brother is the last time I will see him for at least 5 months. His flight left at 6:30 this morning. He will be going to live with our aunt and uncle in new york till at least after summer break. He was not goin till summer at 1st then it was moved up till spring break, and then yesterday I found out he would leave today. Ive cried my eyes out Im gonna miss my baby brother.

2 HUgs:

Jill said...

I'm sorry, girl. Praying for you and your little brother.

Elaina Weaver said...

I'm sorry. I can't imagine my brother leaving. It's killing me that he is engaged. I will pray that the time go by quckly for you.