Friday, May 1, 2009

Tip friday

This is a new thing and if you wanna join post a tip then go to jens blog and add ujr to the mr linkey.

My tip of the day is one that saves my life. I rend to burn things like the bottom of a pot af beans or cheese dip. I guess i dont stir enuf lol. The best was to clean out a pot with anything burned to the bottom is with a dryer sheet. YOu fill the pot with hott water and put one or two in there let it so for an hour and then it will come right out.

2 HUgs:

Jen and Jared said...

Interesting tip.... I can honestly say I've never heard of that. Next time I have something stuck in my pan, I'll have to try it! Thanks girl!!!!!


Elaina Weaver said...

Great tip! I have never heard of such a thing. Makes me want to go burn something so I can try it out. :)