Well last night was the scarest night of motherhood for me. In case you didnt know Logan has rsv. But he has been doin so well with it. Our dr decided to go ahead with his vacs. Well last night about 730 russ goes into the nursery to change davis. he notices logan is really red and breathing funny and yells for me. I come in strip him down and check his temp. It was 106.3!!!! I also see that his breathing is over 120 a min. he is just not actin right. so we start tryin to cool him off with a wet rag and wait 4 the nurse to call us back. She tells us he needs to be taken to the hospital my ambulance, so i call 911. I rode with him to childrens while russ took the big boys to my parents. Is was so hard for me to hold it together in the ambulance and at the hospital.bein alone for the first good bit was so hard. they put the poor baby on oxigen right away and also notices his heart rate was high and he was gettin dehydrated. so the took blood urin did got some x-rays and started him on some fluids though an iv. they also started talkin about doing a spinal tap to check for meningitis. This was the worst part. I was so scared. they gave him tylonal and his fever came down and his breathin and heart rate leveled off and his test came back all goodso thankfully they didnt have to do the spinal tap. we got home at about 2am and needless to say i didnt sleep well i kept checkin on him. we went to the dr today and she said she is pretty shur it was just a reaction to one of his shots. here are 3 pix from lil mans 1st er visit.
He i am holdin him scared to death at this point we dont know anything and im worried about the spinal
1 HUgs:
so glad he's ok!
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