Sunday, September 28, 2008

what a weekend lol

so friday was fun. It was Robbys birthday. I can not belive he is 2 .So we went with my MIL to see a friend whos lil gurl is 3 we all went and had lunch at zaxbys Yummy lol. Then we went to walmart where robby decided to use the big boy potty 4 the 1st time (sorry if thats tmi). Then we went back to my in laws so robby could rest for his big night. After that Russell, Robby, my FIL MIL and SIL plus me and my mom dad and sis went to play time pizza he had a blast or should i say we. lol there were so many cool games. then yesterday i got up went shopin and thenhung out with my MIL most of the day. it was fun. We got davis this for Holloween. He looks so cute. We also got the rest of the stuff for Robbys Nemo party lol. then i came home and watched movies with russ. it was gr8 then this morning we got up and went to church we had not been in a couple weeks and i have really missed it.

1 HUgs:

Jill said...

I'm going to have to check that place out! :)

Glad you guys had a good weekend and it was good to see you today!