Thursday, November 27, 2008

happy thanksgiving

hope u all enjoy your family and food today. here is what I'm thankfull for.
1 my husband
2 our healthy smart sons
3 my parents
4 my in laws
5 my church
6 the fact that I have a God who always provides
7 my friends both new and old
8 2nd chances

2 HUgs:

Jill said...

wonderful list! :)

Jill said...

Two things...I just wanted to say that you and Russ did and AWESOME job with the kiddos yesterday. None of the parents could believe how they were all just sitting there in a little circle, listening. :)

Also, I meant to tell you that my Uncle Kev just RAVED about your green bean bundles that you brought to Journey Thanksgiving...he said they were DE-LISH!