Saturday, February 14, 2009

My big plans for v-day

My darling hubby will be working till some point this afternoon IDK when.
But our plans are a nice dinner at P.F. Changs. I love that place Its where we had our 5th date (yes I remember every detail of the first 10) It is also where we went last year and where he POPPED the ?!!! So we will go back there as chessy as it may be. Im very excited, I got a new outfit just for to night and have had it hid at the inlaws. Ill be going over there later to get dressed and my hair and make up ready. I dont expect to be gettin anything other then dinner but thats ok All I really want is some alone time with my hubby

2 HUgs:

Elaina Weaver said...

Hope you guys have fun!! Enjoy the evening together.

Jill said...

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day with your hubby!!