Sunday, April 12, 2009

My poor rooster is sick

It was not the easter I had expected and preped for. let me tell u the story of our weekend.

Yesterday we went to a big deal at my In laws church. Robby was fine and had a blast. My mom and i got in a fight but i dont care to talk about that. Then we went to my in laws and robby played his lil heart out outside and was as normal as could be. Then he took a nap. he woke up screaming at 530. I told every1 right away that that was not a normal "you scared me walkin into my room cry" But everyone said it was. But as u mommas know we know what are babies crys sound like and when one aint right. Then I realized we was burning up. So I took his temp. It was 102.7 and that was just under his arm with him fighting it. After an hour of him screamin and not bein able to calm him or get his feaver down. I called the GPC at childrens. (now you mommas that dont know what that is you need 2 its a reg drs office at childerns open till like 9pm on weekdays and 8 on weekends, u just call them and they get you in asap. its so much better then waitin n the er) they give us a 730 apt. They boy was screamin the whole way there. They tested for strep and it came back neg but they are doin a cultre. All they gave us was tylenol if he does not get it every 4 hours on the dot he is sreamin like he is gonna die and burnin up with feaver. he only ate a lil ham all day and the only time he was up and moving around was while he was all druged up and lookin for eggs. I was so sad he could not join us at church. I cried this morning that he could not come to church with us on our first and last easter as a family of 4. That sweet boy has is matress in our floor so i can keep an eye on him(we only have a queen bed if he sept with us I would be hangin off cuz he and russ are bed hogss) on a happier note I got an email sayin my laptop has been shipped so ill get it this week YAY but if u think about it pray for robby and that davis russ and I dont get what he has

I just realized i am already 11 weeks can I already be over 1/4 of the way though. This baby is gonna be here before I know it wow. This so far has been the easiest preg.

2 HUgs:

Jill said...

I'm sorry Robby was sick and couldn't be at church this morning. He would have loved those little chicks! Davis looked so cute in his little suit.

I hope Robby feels better very soon!

A new computer is exciting!!


Elaina Weaver said...

So sorry that Robby is sick. Hoping he gets to feeling better very soon.

And super excited for you and your new computer. You are going to love it.