Thursday, August 27, 2009

whats been wrong with me

so this may come as a big shocker to u (not) but im bipolar i refuse to take any meds for it for reasons i dont feel i should go into on here but will share if you e-mail. So needless 2 say i deal with really bad depression alot. I tend to hold things in for weeks or months at a time and just let it build up till im a sobbing mess at witch point i wait till every1 is asleep find a place to be alone and just cry and cry and cry for about 6 hours. I no hard to belive its possible 2 cry that long. this is what i was dealin with last night id hit that point. Its a point thats very hard on me and sadly it does not help at all. My self esteem has really takwn sum hits l8ly and that makes this that much worse i think i need to stop bloggin for now im startin 2 hit a wall of tears again. i think im gonna go read and try and think about a made up world instead of the one i stuck in

1 HUgs:

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! I tried to call you earlier. Would love to take you to lunch or dinner if you'd like to vent or just get away from everything! You know I understand depression. Since you can't take your meds right now being preggers, the best thing to do is to count your blessings all day long when you start getting in a "funk". That usually helps! Just try to keep an attitude of gratitude as best you can--even when you can't think straight! Also, cast your worries on GOD and He will help you!

Love you!!!!