Tuesday, December 1, 2009

one month a lil late

So Ive put off Logans one month post till today becuz we had his checkup. He is now 22.5in and 9lbs 9oz. His urin test came back negative we are still waitin in the blood test but this is a good sign. He was put on soy formula intill we know for shur. He can already hold his head very well. He is also rollin on to his side when you lay him down. When you hold him he will just look at you and will smile. Russ jas even gotten him to giggle a couple times. Its also time to move on from breat feeding, I dont really want to but with the two big boys Its just hard I need the fast and easy way. Not to mention that despite constant pumpin my milk supply has drop big time again. It did this with the 1st two at about this time too. I Also can not take the pain any more, my poor nipples are so cracked and raw they bleed. Thus is from the pump. I wish i could get logan to latch on again but he refuses to. Im gonna give it one more week to try and get him back at it then if he still wont take it we are gonna go to all formula. The big ones have adjusted to havin a baby in the house so well. Since logan is now sleepin though the night on most nights im ready to move him to his own room but we have to wait on my dad to help fix the big boys bed first.i wanna leave you with the only pic ive gotten of logans smile yet, its really bad becuz i took it with my phone while we were layin in bed "talkin"

0 HUgs: