Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 1 — Your Best Friend

Dear Clinton,

You have been one of my best friends for almost 9 years now. I have known I could turn to you no matter what is going on. Thank you for that. Do you remember the day we met lol. We thought a math test would be the hardest thing we ever did. When i would be freaking you would talk me down lol. You are still that person. I remember when we were living in lawton and the gas was shut off. We were sleepin in the livinroom with a space heater. I was worryin about everything in life, You wispered though the dark "we are gonna be ok Rhonda, you have always been a fighter and always end up on top just keep tryin to get back up and nothing can keep you down" You have been everything for me at times. I would have died years ago had you not saved me. I will always be thankfull for you and will always do any and everything i can to help you.

0 HUgs: