Saturday, January 17, 2009

ok so

Ok so I'm being sued, Yes you heard me. I am so not happy the evil woman who gave birth to me stole my idenity and got a few credit cards and stuff and now capital one is trying to sue me over it. It makes me so mad. I am 20 years old the last thing I should have is bad credit. I'm really trying to take it all with grace and have already started trying to be forgiving for it, but when ever I make a lil head way in that some thing comes up to just totaly piss me off. Who steals there childs idenity really. Speaking of children, Ive been reading Kellys blog for a couple weeks thanks 2 a missclick and her story is just makeing me cry. I have also tho found myself thanking God for my healthy boys and uneventfull pregnecy and labors. Please pray for her and her lil family. You can find details here.

0 HUgs: