Monday, April 6, 2009

Giving away a member of my family

We have decided to give away our dog. This is a really hard choice to make. And I still dont wanna do it. But we have decided it would be better for him If we could find him a home with ppl who have time to play with him more then we do and more yard then we have. :(

2 HUgs:

Jill said...

Ah, I'm sorry you're having to give him away. That would be hard. I hope you find him a good family.

Joy@WDDCH said...

We had to do this months ago with our dog. She was just too big and she kept knocking my kids down and scaring them (even though she was a sweetheart). We couldn't afford her medical care either because she had Parvo.

Three days after she left we heard meowing at the backdoor. I kid you not. I opened that door to a malnourished, abused kitten (who also had a broken leg and BB pellet in his chest per vet's XRAY) and he has been with us ever since. It's like God shut one door in our lives and opened another to bring us a pet that has blessed us (that we are also able to better afford).

You'll have difficult feelings to work through during this time. *HUGS* It's so hard to give up a beloved pet!