Monday, May 25, 2009

My amazing weekend

So this had to be on of the best weekends we have had in a long time. It started with Russell finding out at the last min friday afternoon that he did not have to work sat. So we decided to go get dinner at shorty smalls. I love that place but dont eat there alot becuz i get bored of it kinda fast. Then we came home and talked then went to sleep. We got up sat and just hung out all morning and only left the house to go shoppin for food. We then came home and watched bride wars. It was such a gr8 movie. After that we ate dinner then watched Paul Blart mall cop. LOVED IT. then we stayed up till 2 talin and watchin tv. Then went to bed I slept till almost 11 sunday It was so nice. When I got up I had found that my darling Hubby who so rocks lol. Had done all the dishes and Cleaned out the fridge and aslo was washing laundry. It was a nice surprise. We then did notta all day but sit around the house and enjoy each others company. I know that may not sound like the best weekend but it was. We nvr get to just sit around and do nothing like that anymore. so it was a nice change. and we needed it after last weekend where we had things to da all weekend back to back

0 HUgs: