Friday, July 24, 2009

my dress

so kelly is doing show us your life and this week is ur weddin dress so here is mine. i dont have any really good ones of just my dress. But i love this dress I almost didnt have it. Since russ and i did the whole wedding planing and get married thing in a month and a half I was in a rush to get a dress. I found one i liked but did not love at davids, since i needed it so fast i had to get sumthing of the rack. I was not 100% happy but i was dealin i really didnt care what i was wearin as long as i was marryin my baby lol. so on the way to pick up that dress we stopped by a cute lil shop i had heard good things about. I tried on this dress and fell in love with it. so we ordered it. I was a mad mess leadin up 2 the wedding becuz my dress did not come in till the monday b4 the wedding and It was not ready for me to get till that thursday. We picked it up on our way outta town 2 eureka springs for the wedding.

5 HUgs:

Jill said...

Pretty, pretty!!

Ashley said...

You looked beautiful!

Tara G. said...

I like that photo of you two looking in the mirror! So pretty!

threeboysgee said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Would love for you to follow my story.

I love the wedding dress. I forgot to do my post for Kelly's Show, but eventually I will put it on my blog.

Thanks for thinking of my mom, she's doing better. She has to do a sleep study now because they think she has sleep apnea. But other than that, they are unsure of what caused the high heartrate.

Can't wait to see more of your family... Good luck with the new baby.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful! Such good memories of your wedding and reception!!!