Tuesday, January 13, 2009

very very sick

My fever is now 102.6. I feel like im on fire. I guess its better then the 105 i had earlier. I am trying not to get near the boys, and if i have 2 im putting on a mask and sanitizing up to my elbows. What ever this is i dont want to give it to my babies. Please pray that I get better fast my boys need there mommy healthy.

4 HUgs:

Elaina Weaver said...

Praying you feel better soon!!!

Jill said...

Praying you feel better and that the babies don't get it.

Love ya!

Linda Lou Rogers Averitt said...

Praying for you to get well fast and no one else get sick:) we will miss you at home group, let us know if we need to do something for you. love u Linda

Megan said...

Hey Thanks for stopping by my blog! That so stinks that you are sick! I hope you feel better soon!!