Thursday, February 5, 2009

How do u do it

Ok so those of you whos house Ive seen it is always so clean. How do you do it. I have such a hard time keeping my clean. Everyday I write out the same list and have to follow it. But there has to be other ways so if you have any tips please share.

3 HUgs:

Sandra said...

mine stays pretty clean with an exception of Ayden's toys I wake up and get everything done as early as I can the longer in the day I put it off it wont get done it's not perfect it's lived in

Elaina Weaver said...

Sorry. My house is NEVER clean so I have advice for you. :)

Jill said...

I believe it's a mindset and just choosing that your home is going to be clean for your family and guests. Picking up each evening before going to bed, cleaning the kitchen as soon as you finish a meal, etc. When we were in our 20's...we were awful housekeepers. I'm embarrassed of the way I used to let my house get. (LOL) Now that we're older, we want to live in a clean home and as you know, it brings a sense of peace to your home when everything is picked up.

I always have my living room area, dining room, guest bath and kitchen picked up. Those are places that I take a little time each day to clean. That way, if we have company drop by unannounced, I can invite them in without worrying about the mess. They will definitely see dust (I don't dust as often as I should) but the living areas will be clean. I have to admit that our master bedroom seems to always have a clothes/shoes laying around when they really belong in the closet and my guest rooms are storage/guest rooms, right now. :)

Good luck, girl...I know it has to be overwhelming when you're taking care of kiddos, while trying to take care of the home. I would just concentrate on certain rooms each day vs. the entire house every day. We all could be better're not alone in that.
