Friday, April 3, 2009

life for me right now

is crazy. Im always so tired. Like I really think I could sleep all day and night without a problem. On any day I have the chance I sleep a full night sleep in and then take a 3-4 hour nap mid day. Ive also been having some really bad pains in my tummy. Its alot like the cramps I had with davis that sent me to the er at about this time along minus the bleedin. So lets pray that doesnt start. Becuz Ive nvr delt with anything as scarey as thinkin I could be losing a baby.

On a happier note I will be havin lunch with my lil sis today. Im really lookin forward to this We usely do lunch every friday but she was outta town week b4 last and we both were last week. So im excited to hear how her spring break trip went, and to see if anything new has developed with the totaly hott army ranger she has been talkin to. LOL. My sis did good this time lol. Well I gotta get dressed and go get robby he is at my in laws. Ill blog l8er. If anything good happens

0 HUgs: